17. 3. 2023

The return of industry to Europe represents an important opportunity for less developed regions

Prague/Bratislava, 17th of March 2023

The return of industry to Europe represents an important opportunity for less developed regions


The return of industry to Europe represents an important opportunity for less developed regions. It is a chance to reverse negative trends, such as the depopulation of border regions. Industry can provide attractive job opportunities that have disappeared with deindustrialization. 

"We are not talking about manual labor. These jobs will disappear within a few years thanks to automation and robotization. I mean positions with higher added value for people with technical education," explains Lubor Svoboda, co-founder of ARETE, in a January article for the Slovak magazine TREND.sk.

Thanks to global trends, investors and real estate funds sense an opportunity that may not be repeated. Moreover, if declining regions damaged by the departure of industry thrive, the whole economy will also benefit. "Our job is to find suitable investment opportunities or sites and land for new development," Svoboda adds.

We unlock for you the full article from TREND.sk, of which we have become an expert partner. 


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