8. 6. 2021

Production halls are bursting at the seams

Prague, 8th of June 2021

Production halls are bursting at the seams

The economy is booming and modern industrial estates are making money like never before. They have historically the highest occupancy, a record volume of concluded leases and the construction of other new warehouses and production halls continues rapidly. For investors, this is one word… euphoria.

"The pandemic has led manufacturers to struggle with a shortage of components from Asia. This will lead to the fact that supply and logistics routes must be shortened," commented Lubor Svoboda for Novinky.cz.

Full article here (only in Czech): https://www.novinky.cz/ekonomika/clanek/ekonomika-roste-vyrobni-haly-praskaji-ve-svech-40362481#seq_no=2&source=hp&dop_id=40362481&dop_ab_variant=0&dop_req_id=tYyvaZGC4Zi-202106080601&dop_source_zone_name=novinky.sznhp.box&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=z-boxiku&utm_source=www.seznam.cz

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